“Beautiful dreamer” dreams upon dreams….youtube and lyrics


…..upon dreams…..
……….upon dreams………
……………upon dreams……………



beautiful dreamer  dreams upon dreams upon dreams



…night-time dreams…
…….day-time dreams…….

exploring our dreams
dreams…upon dreams….upon dreams




beautiful dreamer myth dream Joseph campbell



“beautiful dreamer……”

the mind dreaming its dreams…
developing awareness of the myths within our dreams

big dreams…little dreams,
sleeping dreams…waking dreams,
the mind continually and consistently creating “dreams”



beautiful dreamer  lyrics only







….beautiful dreamer….
living our dreams,
awake or asleep,
little or big…

awakening our dreams, living our dreams, shifting our dreams,
accepting the “comings and goings” of dreams,
dreaming our dreams



beautiful dreamer berkeley sunset waves



dreams upon dreams
always in motion


dreams upon dreams flowing connecting


learning to live  some of the “little dreams” within the greater dreams

learning the flexibility to be open to outcome,
not attached to a specific outcome….

open to outcome,
flowing, flexing, emerging, adapting, evolving

dreams upon dreams


dreams upon open to outcome



dreams upon dreams
always in motion


dreams upon dreams flowing connecting


~dreams….upon dreams….upon dreams


dreams upon dreams upon dreams


beautiful dreamer


beautiful dreamer beautiful dreamer








dreams upon dreams upon dreams



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